Understanding that a weight loss tablet would work best with a good diet and exercise, Orange On needed to be an app which would not only remind patients to take their medicine but it would also provide them with the information they needed in order to lose weight effectively.
Orange On was designed to help patients remember to take their Duromine, as well as keeping track on their medicine intake we built an app that would monitor their progress, give them dietary and exercise information and provide them with specific diet and exercise plans.
The data from their progress would then go straight back to their GP. This information allowed the GP to have real-time progression reports – in a graph – which ensured their patient(s) were following their prescribed plan and keep an eye on their progress to ensure maximum results for the patient’s health.
If you are looking for a team that will work alongside you to understand your identified problems in-depth, validate possible solutions and to build great software. We have the team, skills, and experience to realise your operational goals faster.
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